Health and Wellness Center » Services


To make a referral for any of the services below, visit the Request for Assistance Forms tab and complete the designated electronic form. There are options for staff, parents/guardians (English and Spanish) and students (self) referrals. 
For questions, contact Claudia Peña, the Health and Wellness Coordinator @ [email protected] or 805-688-6487 Ext. 3270. 
Please be advised that services are subject to change based upon staff and agency availability. 
Thank you for your interest!
This is intervention can range from 8-16 weeks and each session usually lasts 20-30 minutes. The student and mentor meet one time per week (usually during an elective class) to set goals and/or discuss progress. Goals can range from academic, attendance, social-emotional or behavioral. The mentoring sessions serve as a reflective practice, where the student and mentor discuss strategies to reach the identified goals. Mentors can be teachers, school counselors or Youth Specialists. Pre and post surveys are used to determine the impact on students and acquisition of skills. 
This is generally a 6-8 week intervention and each session is about 40 minutes (during school). The size of groups range from 6-10 students. The group is facilitated by staff and involves the use of curriculum to address skill building (executive functioning skills, study skills, social skills, mindfulness and emotion regulation). Pre and post surveys are used to determine skill acquisition. 
This is generally a 6-8 week intervention and each session is about 50 minutes (during an elective class). The size of groups range from 3-4 students and include all subjects. Tutoring is provided by the CAL-SOAP tutor with Allan Hancock College. Students are typically selected for tutoring based on grade queries, however, general referrals are accepted if space is available. 
Restorative circles (generally involve students, staff and parents/guardians) include a script, guidelines and a final group agreement. Circles are facilitated by a trained staff member and typically last 40-60 minutes. The goal of a restorative circle is to repair any harms upon the community and help youth to develop conflict resolutions skills. 
Mediation is generally between 1-2 people (students, staff, parents/guardians) and is facilitated by a trained staff member. The goal of mediation is to address any conflict/concern and create a plan to move forward in a positive manner. Mediation also serves as an opportunity for youth to practice conflict resolution skills. 
The Health & Wellness Center generally hosts 3-4 family events per year. The most frequent topics are suicide prevention, the grief cycle, drug/alcohol awareness and overall communication skills for families. These events are  facilitated by certificated staff or licensed clinicians and are held in the evening at no cost to families. Check the Events tab to stay up-to-date! 
The district collaborates with local agencies to provide families with support for housing, food distribution, mental wellness services and medical needs. 
People Helping People provides Family Advocacy services such as case management and housing assistance. This agency also provides a food program and hosts many local events in the community. 
The Mental Wellness Education & Linkages (MWELL) program (a collaboration between Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness (BWELL) and Santa Barbara County Education Office) provides on campus Health Navigators, who help families with case management, mental health evaluation referrals and agency linkages. MWEL also provides group classes for students with topics ranging from self-care to conflict resolution. Check the Events tab for upcoming groups!
Assemblies (drug/alcohol awareness, mental wellness, guest speakers)
Classroom presentations (stress management, emotion regulation, HWC services, suicide prevention)
Monthly themes (tabling events, morning announcements)
Resource linkages (information is shared via Parent Square, Canvas, website, parent events (Back-to-School Night, grade level parent meetings, Open House)
Wellness initiatives (student Health Fair, student club) 
People Helping People (PHP) offers on-site individual therapy services for students. Sessions are held weekly for approximately 50 minutes (times/days are dependent on schedules) and facilitated by an Associate Marriage and Family Therapists (AMFT). AMFT's are supervised by a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). 
Family therapy is also offered by PHP and facilitated by an AMFT at their downtown Solvang office (times/days are dependent on schedules). 
Short-term (up to 6 weeks) individual and group counseling is currently available on campus for students. This service is provided by a LMFT and is available one day per week during school hours.
Hospice of Santa Barbara offers on-site individual grief therapy services for students. Sessions are held weekly for approximately 50 minutes (times/days are dependent on schedules) and facilitated by an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (AMFT) who is supervised by a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). 
Fighting Back Santa Maria Valley offers on-site interactive cessation programs that teach students about dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and how to kick unhealthy addictions. 
People Helping People: Santa Ynez Valley Youth Coalition offers classroom presentations, tabling events and hosts a variety of other tobacco and drug prevention initiatives. 
The district collaborates with local agencies to offer drug and alcohol education and referrals.
Council for Alcohol and Drug Awareness (CADA) provides case management, educational classes and counseling services for students. 
Mother's Against Drunk Driving provides classroom presentations and youth/parent events.