Counseling » SCOIR


Students: explore colleges and careers with confidence


What is SCOIR


  • Each student at Santa Ynez Valley Union High School has a SCOIR (pronounced "score") account. SCOIR is used for college  counseling as well as for planning for post-secondary options. The  software system is a complement to the services the counseling  department currently provides to students and parents. 
  • SCOIR is a new modern online system that will streamline the process of requesting, processing, sending and tracking the electronic delivery of all college application-related documents. On SCOIR, students will be able to identify colleges that are a good fit with their personal and academic interests. SCOIR also provides parents with useful financial calculators so you can determine the likely cost of attendance at different colleges and consider the affordability when deciding where to apply.  
  • SCOIR also manages historical data. When seniors track their college application/admissions on SCOIR, the information is recorded in confidential scattergrams plots.  
  • Every student at Santa Ynez High School is expected to maintain an active account on SCOIR. Parents are also able to create a parent account that will link to their student’s SCOIR account. 

Using your SCOIR account 

SCOIR provides a variety of experiences and solutions for everyone involved in the college search, selection and application process. 

  • Register your SCOIR account – Once you receive your SCOIR invite read the instructions to set up your account using your email 
  • Welcome to SCOIR - various help articles about how to use SCOIR 
  • Full SCOIR Guide - detailed information about using SCOIR for college applications, research, etc.  
  • Inviting Parents/Guardians - invite your parents to access your SCOIR account so they can offer suggestions and view college financial calculators 

 College Application Info for Seniors: