Yearbook Info

Pirate Revue Yearbook

$85 before April 1

$95 beginning on April 1 

3 ways to purchase a yearbook 
  1. Order through the ASB Web Store. QR Choose the "other" category to find the yearbook.
  2. Order and pay at the Business Office with a check or cash.
  3. Mail a check to SYHS Yearbook, 2975 Mission Drive, Solvang, CA 93463. Please write Yearbook and student name in the memo area.
  • Purchase a yearbook at the ASB Web Store (under Yearbook option) here.
  • Submit senior portrait by March 1 here
  • Submit senior quote by March 1 here
  • Do your parents want to purchase a PDA (public display of affection) ad for you? Click here for information. Due by March 1.
Senior Bests Voting - Due by February 1
The yearbooks will arrive toward the end of May. A list of students who have already purchased one will be displayed on the business office window. Don't wait! Purchase a yearbook now at the WebStore to avoid waiting in a long line to buy one.
More Info
  • To learn if you ordered a yearbook, email [email protected]
  • A link for the order form, if desired, is on the right, but it is not necessary.
  • Yearbooks are distributed the week before final exams.
  • Links on the right provide info on portraits, photographers, senior & business ads, club group pictures, picture guidelines, and more.
  • Both yearbooks and senior dedication ads (PDAs) can be purchased on the ASB WEBSTORE.
Staff email: [email protected]
Advisor info: [email protected]  805-688-6487 ext. 2404