Yearbook » Advertising Contract

Advertising Contract



PDA & Business Ads

Due date

Page size



Ad Size H x W

Book is Portrait Orientation

PDA & Business

Feb. 1




12” x 9” portrait

PDA & Business





6” x 9” landscape

PDA & Business





6” x 4.5” 

Business ad only





Scanned business card or similar size


Name of purchaser ______________________________________________________________

Student’s name for PDA __________________________________________________________

Business name for business ad ____________________________________________

Owner or manager’s name for business ad____________________________________________

Telephone _____________________________________________________________________

Email address __________________________________________________________________

Website for business ad __________________________________________________________

Advertisement size__________ √ who will make ad: Purchaser ______Yearbook Advisor ______

Text to in include if the yearbook advisor is making the ad:






ATTENTION:  PDAs and business ads will not be made or placed on the page until payment has been received.


Picture Guidelines

  • Pictures with weapons of any kind will be rejected by the staff and advisor. This has been established by the administration of Santa Ynez Valley Union High School.
  • Pictures with provocative attire will be rejected by the staff and advisor. If necessary, the administration of Santa Ynez Valley Union High School may be consulted.
  • Pictures depicting hand symbols may be rejected due to hand symbols sometimes adopting new meanings. The yearbook as a historical document viewed throughout decades and we don't want to misrepresent anyone in it.

Mail this form and payment (check only) to Santa Ynez High School Yearbook, P.O. Box 398, Santa Ynez, CA 93460