Parents » Senior Information

Senior Information

You will find information on upcoming events and important dates for Seniors on this page, we will update regularly. 
Ordering a Cap and Gown for Graduation:
Below is the link to purchase a cap and gown, as well as other graduation related items. If there are any questions please reach out to Alexa Tomasini at [email protected] 


Pirate Revue Yearbook 


$85 Pre-order before April 1        Purchase after April 1 $95  



Senior Portraits and PDA's  

  • Senior portraits are due by March 1st. 
  • Senior Parents, if you want a dedication page, visit the Ad page for information. The final deadline is March 1st  


Three ways to purchase a yearbook  

  1. Order and pay at the Business Office with a check or cash. 
  2. Order through the ASB Web Store 
  3. Mail a check to SYHS Yearbook, PO Box 398, Santa Ynez, CA 93460. Please write Yearbook and student name in the memo area.